hmmm.. at my boyfriend's house now.. so I am here to update my blog.. haha.. hmmm.. know what... recently , I've met some people who tries to act so close to me.. what the hell.. can I just ask them to fuck off....? Please please please... DO NOT PRETEND TO BE ONE GANGSTER IN FRONT OF ME when you are just one guai kia okie!!!! I had enough of it... And i need my privacy so please get your fucking facts right and DO NOT ACT CLOSE TO ME ?? I'm tryin to control my temper ..... there are also people who thinks that my company is a hotel... harlow~ get lost man... had enough if yr petty attitude and think you are a prince ?? pui... disgusting... Just be yourself lar hor.. knn.. make me du lan only... to fill up another entry.. it seems years since the last time i wrote an entry.. well, my internet have been cut off because the bill have not been paid yet.. haha... at my boyfriend's house now using his com but my boyfriend at camp.. so I'm going to go off pretty soon..
haben been updating friendster too.. life is boring except for i'm being loved by my dear dear.. haha.. sumtink shock me on monday.. about the new relieve teachers.. nothing to write leh.. lol.. hmmm... k lar.. gonna go home now.. =p love my laogong muackz...